Anaheim Cigar Club, Atlanta Cigar Club, Bel-Air Cigar Club, Beverly Hills Cigar Club, Boca Raton Cigar Club, Cancun Cigar Club, Chattanooga Cigar Club, Chicago Cigar Club, Cleveland Cigar Club, Dallas Cigar Club, Denver Cigar Club, Detroit Cigar Club, Flagstaff Cigar Club, Fort Worth Cigar Club, Green Bay Cigar Club, Hollywood Cigar Club, Houston Cigar Club, Jacksonville Cigar Club, Key West Cigar Club, Las Vegas Cigar Club, Little Rock Cigar Club, London Cigar Club, Long Island Cigar Club, Los Angeles Cigar Club, Louisville Cigar Club, Manhattan Cigar Club, Memphis Cigar Club, Minneapolis Cigar Club, Montreal Cigar Club, Myrtle Beach Cigar Club, Napa Vallery Cigar Club, New Jersey Cigar Club, New Orleans Cigar Club, New York Cigar Club, Omaha Cigar Club, Orange County Cigar Club, Orlando Cigar Club, Paris Cigar Club, Pittsburgh Cigar Club, Quebec Cigar Club, Reno Cigar Club, Sacramento Cigar Club, San Francisco Cigar Club, Sarasota Cigar Club, Savannah Cigar Club, Seattle Cigar Club, Tokyo Cigar Club, Toledo Cigar Club, Toronto Cigar Club, Tuscan Cigar Club, Vancouver Cigar Club, Windsor Cigar Club, Vin Lee

Atlanta Cigar Club

Starting in 2010, our International Cigar Clubs began offering merchandise to members and nonmembers all over the world.


Beverly Hills Cigar Club

Offering over 150 popular items customized with your favorite cigar club logo, regardless if you are just hometown proud or a fan, we have something for every cigar enthusiast.


Tokyo Cigar Club

Each of tour over 150 items is available in dozens of colors and sizes and adorned with your favorite cigar club logo. You do not have to be a member to participate.


International Cigar Club

We are the largest organization of our kind in the world. Our international cigar club merchandise makes ideal gifts for your favorite cigar enthusiast.

From Beverly Hills to Paris

Come and celebrate with us and enjoy participating in the world of fine tobacco.  We believe in sharing our freedom to enjoy cigars with like minded individuals in licensed and sanctioned facilities and always in moderation.

Welcome to the Club,

Vin Lee, Founder & CEO


United Cigar Stores

Today, reflective of the brands storied history, United Cigar Stores is the e-commerce subsidiary of IMASCO Ltd. which services over 1,500 tobacconists both wholesale and retail and direct to American clients.

United Cigar Stores was the largest chain of cigar stores in the United States operating over 3,000 locations. Though initially specializing in cigars, it eventually sold other merchandise, such as Mickey Mouse watches and shoe trees. Founded in 1901, the chain represented the interests of the Consolidated Tobacco Company, the tobacco trust that controlled the American Tobacco Company and others.

United Cigar Stores proudly offers merchandise from almost 100 cigar club brands across the world. A fine selection of over 150 official branded items from cigar lighters and beer mugs to polo shirts and smoking jackets.